Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Beginning the Path as a UU Lay Minister

I am very excited to announce that I have been accepted into the class for UU Lay Ministry at UUCA. As I posted earlier, I am looking forward to helping out with both the growth of UUCA under a new senior minister and helping out the members congregation. I know this stage in my life I will be learning a lot more from the congregation, but I am confident that I can help in some way. I don't know 100% about what I am jumping into, but it's going to be fun and rewarding. Ever since reconnecting with my spirituality after my divorce, I have been on a good path. Honestly, ever since that journal entry I made seeking a religion based on love, things have gone in the right direction for me. Maybe I can spread that good luck to others.


jim.mcfarland said...

Congrats! That's great news.

Raene said...

Conga-rats on your acceptance into the class :) Sounds like it'll be a really good thing for you.

kinsi said...

So its a little on the late side, but I'm looking forward to you becoming a lay minister at UUCA! Congrats, and thanks for responding to the call to serve.