Monday, August 13, 2007

Scientology, just Yuck!

I got surfing around on laughing at the silly Scientologists and found this great excerpt from Boston Legal. I love that show, and episode has some wonderful zingers. "Your Honor she’s making fun of Christianity. It’s unpatriotic. I’m afraid that it will hurt the troops." Good laugh out loud fun.


Stephanie said...

Oh that's very funny. I might have to link to that. :)

Robin Edgar said...

Yup. It's absolutely hilarious. Especially CUCV Executive Director Mary Bennett's original U asterisk U aka U*U gaffe.

Raene said...

hahahah that's awesome

Anonymous said...

Best quote:

"We never hold religions up to standards of reasonableness; if we did, what religion would pass?"

Robin Edgar said...

Certainly U*Uism would not pass these days which is a terrible shame really considering that once upon a time Unitarians, albeit not necessarily Universalists. . . emphasized the use of capital 'R' Reason in religion.

BTW Here is the somewhat reworked text of my earlier comment that was "moderated" by Gnu U*U because it contained links to pages that supported the comment -

I look forward to hearing Rev. Diane Rollert say,

"Your Honor he’s making fun of U*Uism. It’s unlawful. I am very afraid of him."

The "very afraid" bit is an actual quote from Rev. Diane Rollert's highly questionable declarations to the Montreal police force. If U*Us think that the Boston Legal episode is funny you should hear some of the sworn testimony that U*U prosecution witnesses spouted during my first criminal trial, to say nothing of some of my cross-examination questions. The next one should be quite entertaining too, if it ever actually goes to trial.

Unknown said...

LOL, glad I finally got around to checking that out... Too funny! Definitely laugh out loud humor-